O diplomat of great nation Hybrid — contact: hybrid.diplomat «at» gmail.com

Archive for the ‘writings’ Category

The Legend of Juha Strikes Again!

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Readers will remember Juha for his analysis on the Marc Sageman’s lecture on political violence. Well, he’s back! This time he is explaining Iran’s foreign policy behavior. It’s a great post so take the time to read it. The HD only has two pedantic complaints: Juha using behaviour? LOLOUL! And by God(zilla), it’s time for a new mugshot! As you can see it is not the critic who counts, and Juha’s writings should propel him to the upper echelons of academia.

(Jump to Conclusions map from the Rand Corporation)

Further readings from the Rand Corporation on Iran: “Iran’s Political, Demographic, and Economic Vulnerabilities” (PDF here) and “Mullahs, Guards, and Bonyads: An Exploration of Iranian Leadership Dynamics” (PDF here).

Hey Rand, pay Juha top dollar!

Written by hybriddiplomat

August 4, 2010 at 19:07